Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly Asked Ceezar Questions

Does it cost Accountants anything to use Ceezar?

No, Ceezar is 100% Free for Accountants.

(The services delivered in the Ceezar Report for the Accountants Clients are billed accordingly).

Email Security and Privacy

Ceezar is a 100% Australian owned and operated business, and a referral from the Institute of Public Accountants is available on request.

Your email is 100% safe when using the Ceezar Briefing function on this website, with the guarantee that it’s not a subscription.

Your clients details are also 100% safe and follow standard security and privacy protocols. Ceezar is also supported by the COG Branding, a 100% Australian owned and operated Sydney branding agency.

Does G12 and Ceezar work, is it proven?

Ceezar and G12 does work, and has been refined over a many years.

COG Branding was employed by Deloitte via the Australian Government Stimulus programs, here Ceezar was developed, put into function and refined for Australian SME’s.

Ceezar can provide case studies on request.

After we register our clients, what's in the report?

The Ceezar Report will provide a summary on the businesses position in the market place and general brand health.

Ceezar Report also includes the most appropriate Ceezar Products to activate in direct response to the Report Discoveries.

The suggested products are derived via the G12 equation and will be clearly rationalised in the Ceezar Report.

How long does the report take to come through after briefing?

The Ceezar report will take between 3 and 5 business days, and will need to consider public holidays and festive seasons.

Will my client understand G12, the report and the Ceezar product Suite?

The Ceezar Report and Ceezar Products have been built specifically for Accountants and Australian SME’s.

The language and information provided assumes that both Accountant and Business Owner are not experts in Branding, Marketing and Digital Technologies, so Ceezar takes responsibility for the delivery of clear comprehensive information and clarity.

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